5 Struggles of Having Metal Braces and How to Ease Them

We are not born with the same teeth. Just like our fingerprints, our oral cavity also has unique characteristics. The length, width, color and structure widely vary from person to person. According to the top orthodontists in Manila, the factors that affect how our teeth grow, as well as their position and appearance, are genes, injuries, tooth loss and habits.

Although our pearly whites are different from one another, we have the same goal of achieving a healthy mouth. Therefore, we strive to keep our oral cavity clean and correct other irregularities.  Fortunately, dental professionals introduced various products, tools and treatments that can help us achieve properly-aligned teeth. One of the most sought after procedures is having corrective metal braces.

Metal braces consist of brackets, wires and rubber bands that wrap around teeth to correct crooked teeth and misaligned bites (such as overbite, underbite, open bite, crowding and crossbite). These fixed appliances work by applying continuous gentle pressure to the teeth, gums and jaw to gradually move misaligned teeth to a different and more appropriate position. As the teeth move, the bone changes shape and results in better facial alignment and overall healthier mouth.

However, this is a meticulous treatment as one is required to go through three phases: the initial placement of metal braces, monthly adjustments and wearing of retainer after the removal of braces. Plus, struggles also come in the way and are experienced by millions of people who wear these fixed appliances. If you are one of those people, here are the solutions that will help you ease your discomfort:

For stubborn mouth sores

The brackets of metal braces usually rub to the surface of the lips and cheeks and result in superficial wounds and mouth sores. Accidentally biting the inner area of your lips and cheeks also induces these problems. To quickly cure them, it’s advisable to keep on practicing proper oral hygiene and use ointments rich in triamcinolone acetonide. Gels such as Oramedy and Orajel promises relief and gets rid of mouth sores in around 1-3 days.

For sensitive teeth

Braces make your pearly whites more sensitive to certain foods and drinks. Orthodontists remind their patients to avoid solid foods and acidic drinks as these may cause pain and stain in the teeth. Moreover, instead of eating a whole apple, chop it into smaller pieces. The same goes for other kinds of fruits which are hard to chew. To avoid damaging your braces and causing more pressure to your teeth, go for softer food choices such as soups, noodles, bananas and bread.

For continuous pain

It is normal to feel pain when one has braces especially after periodic adjustments as the teeth are moving gradually. However, if the pain is too much to tolerate that it gets in the way of your daily activities, you can get over-the-counter medicines to ease the pain. Mefenamic acid is the commonly prescribed relief by dentists. Make sure to consult your dental professional first to know the correct dosage and how often you can take it.

For having food stuck in between teeth and brackets

Another common dilemma is having food stuck in between your teeth and braces. Always brush your teeth and bring a toothpick or floss with you to get rid of those immediately.  If ignored, these food particles will cause further discomfort and bacteria buildup.

For excessive bacteria buildup

Since the oral cavity is harder to clean when wearing braces, patients are more prone to plaque buildup and eventually, tartar. This sticky film of bacteria can cause discoloration and may breakdown the bone supporting the tooth. To prevent these complications in the future, make sure to schedule your monthly adjustment, cleaning and check-up with your orthodontist. You can also avail deep cleaning and whitening procedures in various clinics of Manila to ensure that your dental health is in an optimal state.

Metal braces are effective in correcting the irregularities of the teeth. However, the success of the treatment still lies in the skills of the orthodontist and personal efforts of the person wearing braces. I it is best to avail services from top dental clinics of Manila and follow proper dental care instructions. Remember, having dental braces always require extra oral health care.

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